Six Ways Fear Is Holding You Hostage
Many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. Les Brown
Fear serves one — and only one — purpose: to keep you alive. In its most basic, primal form, it is nothing more than a survival response. Fear can be a good thing. It is a profound biological instinct that can prevent us from doing crazy things that could kill us. For example, if you are working in your backyard and see a snake slithering into hedges next to your house — well, let’s put it this way — I doubt you are feeling peaceful and calm.
Fear can produce positive energy that moves us forward, help us make a life change, and gives us a new perspective. Unfortunately, while fear can protect us from pain and harm, fear is not always rational and healthy.
God didn’t create us to live our lives in fear. He created us to live with power, love, and a sound mind, as in courage
I love the way the Amplified Bible translates 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, craven and clinging, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and love and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.”
Let’s look at what fear does to us and in us:
First, irrational fear is a very primal, gut function. It is a basic low-level brain function. While fear can become disarming and lead to self-inflicted sabotage, it can be overcome. When we take time to think through our fears, we usually discover that those concerns are rooted in irrational thoughts.
Second, fear can make us cowards. We, humans, tend to frame our fears in ways that soothe our egos. You and I will say something like, “I am prudent and cautious.” We might even say, “I am a little nervous.” Or we say, “It’s not that important.”
Here is a huge life tip:
If you want to start overcoming those irrational fears that keep you bound, you are going to have to call it what it is.
Instead of saying, “I am not doing this because it makes me nervous,” try saying, “I am not going to do this because I am a coward, and I am scared spitless.” You will be amazed when you tell yourself the truth — aloud. at is the beginning of calling it what it is. Trust me — this is a starting point.
Third, fear steals our integrity. It makes us hypocritical. Simply stated, integrity means acting in a way wholly congruent with our values and beliefs. When we want to do something and believe it is the correct thing to do, but we fail to do it because of fear, we violate our core values. Living a “True North” life means living in alignment with our principles.
The first time I heard the term “True North” was while I was in the Army. It is a term used in map and compass training which differentiates the True North from Magnetic North difference on a topographical map. Steven Covey borrowed this term and turned it into a metaphor about our bottom line personal ethics — the line we are unwilling to cross based on those ethics. Therefore, when you and I are faced, as we often are in this di cult life, with the question of what direction to take, we need to refer to our true north for direction. Metaphorically: Do I “cross” my personal line? (Lie, cheat, steal, be disloyal to a loved one, hit or be abusive physically or verbally, etc.). Never lose sight of your true north.
Fourth, fear leaves lament and regret in its wake. You and I have made, and will continue to make, missteps and mistakes. The key is: Will we repeat the same screw ups again and again or will we learn from them and make the necessary adjustments to change the outcome? If you and I allow fear to keep us from seizing an opportunity when it comes our way, then that is nobody’s fault but our own. Instead, we can trust that when the Lord brings us an opportunity, He will give us what we need to move towards it. But we have to get out of the boat.
Fifth, when we give in to fear, we give up control; we step away from the steering wheel, which could be deadly. You see — the Lord has given us life and choices. While He will guide us, He will not do the work for us. When we are ruled by fear, we abdicate our responsibility. at is not a good thing. You are the only one responsible for your life, no one else. At the end of this race, you and I will give an account. I want to hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25:23 NLT
Sixth, fear stifles personal growth. There seems to be a universal principle in nature: You are either getting better — ripening, or you are ripe and ready to meet your full potential, or you are rotting.
So, let me ask you a question. Are you ripening, ready to pick, or rotting on the vine.
Today, you have a choice. You can choose to stay stuck, or you can choose to move forward.
In a couple of day,s I will show you some practical ways to overcome fear.
Action Plan
Purchase my new book, The No Fear Entrepreneur, and learn the six types of fear that entrepreneurs and ministry leaders face.